Upcoming Theatre 360 Auditions

Requirements: You must be enrolled in a Spring Session 2025 class prior to auditioning.

The Importance of Being Earnest




Self-tape auditions due: January 7


In-person: January 8


First rehearsal: January 11
Shows: March 7, 8, and 9

Sign up for an audition spot so we know to expect a self tape from you: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0F4EAFA729A57-54193368-much

To audition:

Prepare a 1 minute 30 second Shakespeare monologue in the style of the show.

Please send your name and self-tapes to: info@theatre360.org

James and the Giant Peach

In this delightful stage adaptation, Roald Dahl’s classic tale is faithfully told by James himself, along with the insect characters – Miss Spider, Old-Green-Grasshopper, Centipede, Ladybird, and Earthworm. The play begins at the end of the story, when James and his friends are living in the giant peach stone in Central Park, New York.

A tour guide brings a party of tourists (the audience) to see this major attraction, and James and his friends tell the story of how they came to live in New York. The insects play the other roles, like James’s cruel Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker, and the epic journey across the Atlantic is acted out with live action, puppetry and storytelling in David Wood’s masterful adaptation.




January 15


January 18


First rehearsal: January 22
Shows: March 28, 29, and 30

Sign up for an audition spot here : https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0F4EAFA729A57-54192446-james

To audition:

Prepare a 1 minute contemporary monologue in the style of James and the Giant Peach. (Please no monologues from James and the Giant Peach.)

Auditions (January 15th) and Callbacks (January 18th) will both be held in-person at Theatre 360.

Icon Label

Interested in crew? Need your crew credit? Read MORE!

Things to Know:

  • There are no refunds or credits for Spring Classes after auditioning.
  • If cast, there is a production fee to help pay for royalties and costumes.
  • You may order a script/score for a fee of $20.
  • Provide your own shoes, makeup, and undergarments.
  • We ask for a donation of concessions for performances.